DAY 01 – Melbourne to Warrnambool – Thu 19 July

After toeing in gale force winds on Tuesday we decided to take it easy Wednesday and finish setting up the van. Said goodbye to the Darkon crew and prepared for an early departure Thursday.

Thursday morning arrived and we slowly filled the car and hit the road at 11am. Unfortunately the gale force winds returned and the open road between Melbourne and Geelong blew me so far off the road I had to pull off at Werribee. Decided we had to shed some weight and took the back road to see Rhys in Geelong. Dropped of the power dive, hike tent and IRB with outboard.

Thank you Rhys for storing my excessive amounts of toys.

The BOM radar didn’t look great with a massive front moving in from the bite. Hail and winds slowed me down to 80 -90kms at best so the 300km trip took 6 hours!

With even stronger winds predicted for Friday we have decided to stay another day in warrnambool so I can recoup and make my 1st planned visit to sovern Staffordshire bullterriers.



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