Caravan of Courage / Part 2 – Phase 2 – The Cannonball Run – Day 04 (14) / Katherine to Broome

5am – up

5.30am – on road

6.30am – roouicide attempts x 3! On the anchors HARD! Saved Simab. Shes still a black beauty.

Saw every animal you could ever find on the side of the road.

1. Roos

2. Cows

3. Massive Water Buffalo that wanted to take on Simba

4. Pigs

5. Donkeys!

No Camels 😔 !


WA boarder and we cant fill up with our emergency fuel. SIMBA to smart. Had to use boarder control land line phone to call Range Rover. Small funnel hidden in boot will open the flat! Great unpack everything shall we.

Road train losses trailor 3 on a bend! HWY closure.

Last 300kms into Broome were Epic. Sunset roouicide followed by pitch black cowicide! EYes wide open x 2.


Arrived into Broome at 8pm.

Melbourne to Broome in 4 days!

Ouch. Wrecked

Chinese takeaway then Tiffs . Wine and OUT!



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