It rained hard all night. Woke me 3 times last night and it’s drizzling all morning so we decide to have an RnR day.
About 10.30 the sun breaks through so we’re up for a quick game of footy then cricket. Then it rains a bit so we head for information to plan the rest of our week.
Top 10 looks interesting but Jett and I have other plans. I grab the fishing charter leaflet and book a charter immediately. Luck i do as there is only one opportunity tomorrow, rest of the week is booked out.
Tan and I decide we’ve had enough freezing nights with our summer doona and invest in a winter one. Lovely lady that services me can’t stop talking about esperance and advises to drive around the back and view the 11 miles of beach that has 11 beaches. I take her up on the idea and decide to stop and visit them all. There are 2 realy amazing ones and the rest are also great but heavily visited by great white sharks! If you get here try Twilight Beach or 10 mile lagoon.
Can’t wait to get the Defender off road on the sandy beaches. 20psi?
I take the car for a quick wash and gather up supplies for the boat tomorrow and make cutlets for dinner.