Wednesday the 17th of January
We wake up to a light rain that develops into a heavy storm cell. All of the East Coast of Australia is getting drenched. It’s one of the wettest summers ever for the east coast of Australia with floods all over.
I buy a cheap stroller for Hugo and Leo and I have haircuts.
Hugo refuses to have his midday sleep which messes up my plans for a management meeting. It goes ahead eventually and we discuss our goals for 2024. Hugo wakes at 4.30pm so we go for another drive to the shops to get microwave food. Still no covers for the BBQ so I can’t cook outside. Naturally by the time we get back the rain has stopped and the sun comes out.

Thursday the 18th of January
Hugo and I sleep in till 7am!
Share breakfast then go check out some upgrades to my old school peg system. Then another full van clean up and off to the airport. It’s full sun and I leave the roof hatches open. Tans plain is delayed then the rain rolls in. Slightly chaotic pick up. Fresh bed sheet are soaked!
We head to the circuit after lunch. Alphington grammar on the phone while we get stuck in a traffic jam on the bridge with a jumper hanging off 1 side.
We make it just in.time. it’s almost exactly the same as what I saw with my mum 35 years ago. All in all we have great time. Hugo does his 1st solo circus ride and we head to home for an early night exhausted.

Friday the 19th th of January
I get up early try to find a 6 start T50 size driver bit for my drill to use the new pegs ive bought. All driver sets stop at size 40 and all camping shops don’t sell anything to drill / drive them into the ground with. Cool shop.
Pack down and move to Bicheno
Set up, water balloon fight and straight to the lobster shack for lunch.
Then to the beach and the blow holes. natural Jett try’s to get blow away!

Saturday the 20th of January
I get a sleep in.
Pancakes with bacon then off to the East Coast nature world to see some tassie devils feeding.
Lunch at the van then I try fishing while Hugo naps. It’s to windy and every rock spot I find has kelp growing at the base. The jetty looks good. People catching massive squid. Beach afternoon in the wind. It dies down and becomes nice. Sadly were going to miss the bay of fires. High wind and rain predicted so we’re heading inland tomorrow to Launceston. Good bye East Coast.

Sunday the 21st of January
Time to move again. It’s Sunday so most of the park is paking down. We just beat the rain and were of to Launceston. Easy drive with a stop in Campbell Town again (we were here with the boat last year in April).
We set up in the big4 and head out to the gorge. Sun pops in and out with a top temperature of 27. We have a ball. The kayak I’ve been enquiring about for 3 weeks is still available and only 2 minutes drive away. We go for a look and I buy it for $2.5k (they are $7k brand new). 10 minutes before we arrive another guy calls and says he will buy it sight unseen NOW. She holds it for me luckily. Now, where are we going to use it? I’d like to check out crayfish Creek.
Burgers, movie, sleep by 10pm.

Monday the 22nd of January
The wind is up and the sun is out. We decide to hit the shops before we head to Penny Royal. I grab some gear for the new kayak, some parts from bunnings and then Target for Tan and Leo. When we get to Penny royal it looks suspicious quiet. The fun park is closed but the hotel is open so Google did warn us. Were devastated. There are zip lines , cliff climbs, museums and boat rides. Tans not happy and starts to write a complaint. We head back to the gorge instead to ride the chairlift and do all the walks we missed yesterday. Then we decide to treat ourselves to some fine dining at Still water restaurant. The food is amazing.

Tuesday the 23rd of January
Time to move again. I start early, keen to get out of any more cities. Were heading for crayfish Creek. I spied it passing by on our way to Marwah 3 weeks ago. When we arrive I’m pleasantly surprised. It’s like a bush caravan park from the 1950s. Our site is tucked away right next to the creek. My fire pit is rejected so I have to hire one and you need a fire permit too. We set up fast. No need for shade wall privacy. You can’t even see another caravan from our site. Quick lunch and card game then jett and I try out the new kayak. The faddle feet at the rear won’t clip in. Spewing ive been ripped off!.. It’s super low tide but we go for it anyway. This place is beautiful. I cook a venison rump for dinner and we eat sitting around the fire. ❤️