DAY 06 – Victor habour to Port Pieri- Tue 24 July

How’s my luck? Check the wind speed out today!

Nuff Said.

The drive from Victor Harbour to Adelaide was almost as bad as Melbourne to geelong. Gale force winds slowed me to 70kms on single lane mountain highway. It was HELL.

I started to doubt the distance I could travel and was rethinking to entire NT and WA trip.

Even Adelaide had strong winds. I could get a break. I’ve had a week of wind , rain and hail that was trying to break me.

We stopped in adelaide for some extra camp gear and no one could sell us anything so we pushed on.

Wind started to settle as we approached Snowtown while Tanya ready me story’s of the barrel murder’s. So naturally I decided to stop.

Went to fill up with diesel and accidentally grabbed the other handel that was unleaded and proceeded to fill up with the wrong fuel!

Thank GOD range rovers have a safety that trips with an unleaded nosel! Almost had a major disaster that could have ended our trip.

I dont know why, but after this point everything turned great. Wind disappeared, road was smooth and all of a sudden I was doing 100kms per hour without a wobble or stress in my body!


We stop for one of Leo’s hourly post breaks at a pink lake and went for a walk.

See the windfarms? Weren’t generating much when I sailed past.

Then we are at our turn off and jus beat the 500mtr long train.


This place is amazing. Can’t recommend it enough. Kangaroos and emus just crushing around and some of the most amazing trees I’ve ever seen.

Time to put the gale force winds behind me and start to unwind.



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