DAY 07 – Mambray creek- Wed 25 July

I know I’ve got a lot more to see on this 3 month adventure but this place is awsum.

This is what it looked like in the morning before I’ve set up and kicked back.

So we decide to go for a stroll. Just a short 1 hour return easy trail hike trip.

One sign post sent us in the right direction but the trail had a fork we didn’t see and we started a hill climb. Using the UHF hand held jett and I push on the Tan takes Leo at his 4year old pace.


fter 1 hour and soaking in sweat we reach the summit. This was almost a clif climb with loose rocks and barely a track to follow. So jett and I stop and reflect then head back down

We find Tan and Leo about half way up the cliff and agree we were on the wrong track!

When I got back down and figured it out. The unsigned posted track we took was the Mt cavern trek which was indefinitely shut for safety concerns!


Hot shower, Jaffels for lunch the into Port Pieri.

Then by chance we cross paths with our friends. Charlotte and Chewy with their kids Leo (goes to school with Jett) , isaac and raff.

Let the party begin!



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