- Month starts with hot air ballons for Hugo and his orientation for day care. Tanya is clinging and so is Hugo. their both STAGE 5 for each other
- I take over Pauls local jobs so he can focus on Sydney. Off to see Eddy BISHOP. He’s now the main man for bishop finishes.
- Bunnings for a ring burner. Starting again with the caravan pull out kitchen.
- Hugo smashing caviar
- Meeting at Jetts new school Alphington grammar.
- I start chipping away at Keele St again with a new shoe draw for upstairs.
- Hugo and I check out the aquarium. I’d love a fish tank again 1 day.
- Alphington day 1 for Jett. He was school less for 4 months. Congratulations and good luck my son.

- Hot pot with nanny.
- ADZ and I do Broadmeadows bowls club.
- Radford fixes the bearings on the tipper trailer.
- Darkon turns 17 years old.
- Tanya gets a hot tip on a perfect family house. SO, we go check it out. We both fall in LOVE but what happened to moving out a renting?
- My meeting with Westpac turns from a planning meeting to a QUICK we need finance approval with bridging finance.
- I take mum for a quick trip to Nungurner to relocate the new kayak to its new home and unload all the play equipment from the backyard at Keele St. The warragal greens have taken over. So much it fills the tipper. I go fishing with Jimmy to his secret flatty spot. We both snare massive flatties too big to keep. My one was 65cms. We lose the basketball game while I am away (Jett scores 26 points). I plant a dragon tree and mum helps we rake up all the leaves.

- Back in Melbourne I start a mad rush to tidy Keele St for a bank evaluation.
- We go for a private inspection a 4 Chamouni Street Alphington. We’re getting emotionally attached now. NOT GOOD.

- Tan and I have a Valentines dinner at a new Japanese restaurant in Collingwood = Chaiki.
- I go shopping for a BBQ that can fit into the Caravan pull out kitchen that isn’t a Webber style.
- Tanya goes to the Tailor swift concert at the MCG. It’s the largest crowd she has ever had, 92,000.
- I take Hugo to the market with me then go to pick up a new BBQ.
- Leo has a lemonade stand that goes gangbusters.

- Sydney sales trip with Matty. Excessive baggage alert.
- All stars make it into the finals conference.
- I decide to go Peaky Blinders gangster at the auction to scare off the competition.
- 1 Martin place crawl around
- Fires in Victoria. Its HOT
- All stars lose to Ivanhoe by 4 points. All my players have had a late night!!!!
- Tanya goes to PINK concert with Nat

I get up early to roll out my plan. I take the Lincoln upto Chamouni and park it directly opposite the house at 8am. Curtis Mayfield comes on as I turn into the street. ‘were a winner’. I get emotional. Head home to get dressed up. Adam shows up and says NO ‘too gangster’ so I dress down a bit to a ‘laid back weekended’ look. We head to the auction nervous as hell. We’ve both been loosing sleep all week. We do the inspection and head out into the street. Helen and Nat are there but Adam had to keep walking! We lean on the Lincoln and wait for the sale pitch. When he asks for an opening bit, I blow the 4 other interested parties out of the water with “$3mill” above the quoted price range. Hammer falls to us and we go into negotiate. I reduce their reserve by $20k to leave the chickens behind and we agree on $3,080,000.00. Were amazed.


- Were back Sunday to check out our new Neighbourhood. 1st to the house , golf course then , off to the Farmers Market held every Sunday. Mmmmm Mushrooms.
- Then I help Justin move his massive Hammond organ downstairs. Their moving out and renting!
- Tanyas car gets robbed and the junkies go on a shopping spree with our debit card. Luckily the Westpac eagle notifies us and blocks the card. I get the times and locations from Westpac and do the rounds (with my Keele camera photos) then pass it onto the detectives = CAUGHT! And we get our money back. Junkies are so dumb.
- Jett gets assessed and needs 2 years and $10ks worth of braces on his teeth.
- Chewy checks out Chamouni
- Inflation is under what’s predicted but the RBA still won’t reduce interest rates.

Getting ready for my new veggie garden.